A resilient’s notion

Hey everyone. Welcome to my site. This is my very first blog. So I thought to write something motivational. As we always come across some point in our life where depression hits us and we are ready to give up. And thats the point where we need to brace ourselves, get a grip and rise above depression before it engulfs us. So give a reading to my poetry below.

Don’t give up when life is not fair,
Don’t give up when you despair,
Because there are feelings to feel,
Experiences to experience,
Moments to relish,
And memories to cherish.

Don’t give up when this world seems intimidating,
Don’t give up when the way to happiness seems daunting,
Because there are people you are yet to meet,
And new bonds are yet to greet,
There are also entralling trends to try,
And trust me happiness is nigh.

Don’t give up when you are struggling to breathe,
Don’t give up when are you are constantly in grieve,
Because there will come days when your every grief, every sorrow and every trial will be WORTH the wait,
And you dont need an emotion called self-hate,
Because one day your life is gonna be ornate.
Live for those moments.!